Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Toe to Toe Tuesday: Lie to Me

        cartoon used is property of Baloo cartoons

"Honesty may be the best policy, but it's important to remember that apparently, by elimination, dishonesty is the second-best policy." - George Carlin

It is the basis for every relationship in the world. Whether it be between lovers, parents and children, business partners or teachers and students, honesty stands alone as the most necessary of virtues. No one enjoys being lied to or feeling as if they can no longer trust those around them. Lies can destroy marriages, friendships  and families. 

But it can also save those same relationships!!!
No, I am not talking about bold face lies like, "No baby, I don't know how those lipsticks stains got on my shirt collar! Thats weird to me too!"  Or when your teenage daughter says something along the lines of, "Mom, I am going to be staying at Jenny's house." And she has her makeup and hair done and is dressed like a streetwalker.

No, I am talking about lies that will keep you out of trouble and possibly give you a stay from having to sleep on the couch. You know the lies... "No baby, that dress doesn't make you look fat." or "Baby, I love when your mom visits!" Yeah those types of lies. They are commonly known as little white lies and when used properly, they not only make you look like a great person, but they allow you to spare a persons feelings and not have them want to hurt you physically.... 

Yes, I have told a few lies in my day, most of them of the non-hurtful variety. I have lied to girlfriends, parents, teachers, friends, coworkers and strangers. And I am pretty sure they have all lied to me. See, what matters most is the degree of the fib being told. I can honestly say (no pun intended) that I don't mind being lied to if you are trying to spare me from being completely heartbroken. I think the major thing is that you make the lie something so small that I forget it and never bring it up again. Because in reality, if somehow I find out you lied to me, well, than things can get ugly. And that goes for any of us. We begin to question whether or not the relationship between us is even worth the time or the effort. 

Lies should follow the KISS rule... Keep it simple stupid. Don't try and get extravagant with it. Make it something one would never be able to prove... "I have to watch my little brother or sister tonight." As long as I don't have your parents on Facebook, this lie works great. Or "I am not feeling to well, I can't make it out." Hey, how do I know how you feel? My personal favorite, and ladies this is your go to lie, "Hunny not tonight, I have a headache." Now, usually, I know damn well you don't have a headache, but can I prove that? No! Of course not. S, instead of a little loving and cuddling that night, I am left to massage your temples thinking you are in pain. HOW CAN YOU LOSE!?!?!?!?

I am going to make this short because I think you get the point (or am I lying and just don't wanna type anymore)? See, folks, right there.... How do you know what's really going on?!?!?! HAHAHAHAHAHA....

Don't forget to check La Latina Loquita to see how the ladies feel about lies both big and small!

Talk to you soon......

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