Thursday, March 10, 2011

America the Joke...

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. "
-The Declaration of Independence...

Look, I am not a political expert. I don't even dabble in that vertical. What I am is an American with an education, a mind that reaches far beyond books and builds knowledge off of experience. I have opinions and insight on many topics. I love to talk about history, especially when I am ignorant on the topic and can gain something from the conversation. I really enjoy conversing about religion because I like to have an understanding as to why many groups behave and praise the way that they do. But politics is a subject I stay away from for the most part.

This is possibly because I am ignorant on it. Or maybe because it makes my blood boil when I hear total utter non-sense from some self righteous asshole. My theory on politics is that it is similar to a whorehouse: If you haven't been fucked by it yet, don't worry, you will.... Oh, and that those within it are filthy and diseased.... The tragedy that is the American economy has made living in this country unbearable. And the way that politicians are going about trying to fix it is even more of a joke.

The American citizens out in the Mid-West are learning first hand what the American Government feels about their contributions to this oh so great land. Today, Wisconsin Republicans took the back door approach and voted in Governor Scott Walker's proposed bill to restrict the Collective Bargaining power of the state's public employees. Walker Calls it "Budget Repair". I call it an attack on this bullshit we call democracy. Yes, Democrats should have been there to debate and fight for what they felt was right.... And yes, instead they "fled" to Illinois so as to say they were shutting the state government down. But to hell with all of them. The republicans are bitches for try getting the bill passed without a full forum and the democrats are bitches for not fighting for their respective voters. And now the blue collar Wisconsin employee is basically stripped of his rights to collectively bargain for a better life and pay. "'That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."
I am pretty sure the good people of Wisconsin voted these politicians into office to fix the problems of the state, not to fuck them over and add to the situation. 

In Michigan today, the Senate passed a bill giving Emergency Financial Managers the right to basically void contracts from unions and do whatever is necessary to fix the budget. Again, the little man is given the shaft by the people he voted in because he trusted they wouldn't screw them over. How foolish we are as Americans. To give total financial control to one person is nuts in itself. But to then give him the power to void collectively bargained contracts. These mother fuckers need to be killed publicly. And no, I am not joking. 

You want to know how to fix the problems out in Michigan? Bring back the Auto companies that left because its cheaper to build a car in a foreign country. Give people a reason to live again, work hard, support families. Don't dole out this bullshit and call it a necessary measure. What was necessary was to make sure companies stayed and people were employed. Laws allowing companies to base their manufacturing and operations out in other countries are total garbage. How can we say "Buy American" when the only thing still made 100% here is the coonery we call reality television (I will be touching that topic soon). 

Iowa is next on this list of states thats about to bend its citizens over a pommel horse and give them the "Marsellus Wallace"  Pulp Fiction treatment (look it up). Please realize ladies and gentlemen, the government is doing anything and everything it can to make the American suffer for their mistakes. For their history of misdealing. And for their history of letting this "global" economy take place everywhere else but here. 

"That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness."

WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO GET THESE PEOPLE OUT OF OFFICE! TO FIGHT FOR WHAT IS OURS! The problem is, who do we vote in? More democrats? Give me a fucking break. They ran to another state in Wisconsin rather than fight for its constituents. Republicans? HA! These rich fucks are trying to get richer off the 85% of Americans that struggle everyday to make a livable wage, and yet they make it seem like its "the right thing to do" by taking away our "unalienable rights". How about the independent parties? Maybe.... but once money from the private sector and special interests groups is waved in their face, are they still going to be independent for the people or independent from the people??? 

Like I said before, I am not a political expert. Just an American with a mind and opinions. What our government is doing to us is unacceptable. And we need to let them know that. But for some reason I feel we will do as Americans do and protest a little bit until we get tired then just give up. Maybe we should take lead from the Libyans and Egypt. Hit the streets of our governments and overthrow the tyrannical bastards that are trying to send us into poverty faster than a rabbit gets fucked. Or maybe we'll just be Americans.... You know, get tired and accept it...

Talk to you soon.....

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