Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Toe to Toe Tuesdays: Dating the Ex's Friend

So the relationship didn't work out. Things were said between the two of you that you both might regret later on. Or maybe you won't. But all you know is this, you're glad they are finally out of your life. You can go back to living with some piece of sanity and try to put things back in order. You still remember the good times you had, the arguments that made you leave and overall you think of how you should have escaped sooner... just as things start getting back to normal, you get punched in the face! POW! THAT BITCH IS DATING YOUR FRIEND!!!!!

This is your boy. This guy has slept on your couch, eaten food off your table and worn your clothes. When you were going through your emotional stages, you'd speak to him on how much you cared about your ex and how you know you messed up.... He basically was going through everything with you, as any ture friend would. So just as things start feeling right in your life again, you get a bat to the back of your skull! BAM!!! THIS DICK IS DATING YOUR EX!!!!

Dating your ex's friend is a very touchy feely topic. However, the topic should be the only touchy feely thing going on! Ex's and friends should never, and I mean NEVER, date each other! No, there is no "but what if" circumstances!!! As your friend, you have probably confided in this person some very personal details of your relationship from her likes and dislikes to some even more intimate details. So now this asshole has a diagram on how to behave with your ex. Isn't there a "bro-code" or something that has to be respected here? What is it, can't he find his own girl? Or is it that he hates who he is and his life so much that he has to try and live your's? Is this the ultimate compliment that he envies you so much that he even wants to date the people you have dated? Or is it that he has no game at all and the only way he can score is to make a mockery who you are and what your relationship with her was?

As for her, that trifling ****!!!! What the hell is wrong with her? Is she that miserable over the break up that she is still trying to get back at you? Is this her idea of the "ultimate revenge?" Is she lacking in friends in her life so she has to go and borrow yours? Why would she even put herself out there, seemingly making herself a groupie of your friends....

People, it is not ok to date your ex's friends... It's very taboo and should never be broached. Not only are you basically giving a big F*ck you to your friend, you're also making them feel alienated whenever the group gets together. How are they supposed to feel seeing you embracing the person they were in love with. We're not talking about some one hitter-quit her situation here. I am talking a real relationship. That time and emotions were vested into. And here you are saying to your friend "You messed up, let me show you how it's done!" You want to show them how it's done, find your own mate, the same way they did, and make the relationship work. Don't go after their leftovers, especially knowing the emotional journey they just got out of.

For the sake of your friendship and the ultimate ending of many relationships, because yes, now you are causing your friends to choose sides, leave the ex's out of your lives. Maybe when they are marreid and living happily ever after can you even broach this situation. But until that time, keep away.

As for the ex, go away. Leave us alone. We're not together for a reason and having you around in any capacity just causes us to rethink what could have been or how bad we want to choke the air out of you. Go be at peace with your friends, assuming you have your own friends, and make a new life for yourself. We're trying to do the same thing. We don't need you making a new life with our old friends....

Talk to you soon.....

Be sure to check out La Latina Loquita for the female perspective on this topic...


  1. Thumbs down on quite a few notes. No time to write a full comment. Did that and then lost it so thumbs down is the best I'll do. If it isn't right to date an ex of a friend, then it isn't right to date anyone......eight degrees of shouldn't date the ex of a family member either but people do that too. You can dictate what your heart feels. Lot more I could say but no time. Good blog.

  2. Anonymous... it has nothing to do with degrees of seperation.... if you KNOW this person is your ex's friend or your friends ex, you should stay away..... If 2 years down the line u meet some random person and it just so happens they are friends with an ex or are, then shit happens.... but to blatantly date the friend of an ex or ur e's friend.... big no no
