Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Toe to Toe Tuesdays: Cheaters Never Prosper, But it's Fun Trying!

Welcome back to "Toe to Toe Tuesdays" where my female counterpart La Latina Loquita and I give you the battle of the sexes on any number of topics. Last week we were on a break because of personal reasons, but this week we tackle "Cheating"... So check here for my male perspective and her La Latina Loquita for  the female...

Monogamy.... BLAH!!! Why do I need to be in a relationship with just one person? Isn't there enough love in the world that we can all share it with each other? Or have all the ideologies of the 1950's evolved except for this one? Are we still in belief that there is only one man or woman for each of us? I guess the old adage "to each his own" comes to mind when talking about our relationship practices and preferences.... But I for one am definitely in the minority when it comes to feeling monogamous. It just doesn't work for me....

I have cheated on every girlfriend I have had. Well, almost every girlfriend. The thing is, I would do it all over again, only without getting caught of course. HAHAHAHAHA.... Look, call me a pig or a jerk or unfaithful, but I guess it's just my personality. Maybe I am not meant to be with one person.... I mean honestly, can you imagine waking up to the same person day in and day out.... Hating the sight of them.... Knowing that you have nothing left to talk about..... Being tired of the same stories.... Going to the same places, hanging out with the same boring friends? GOD WHAT MISERY!!!! I don't think I can do it.... I just don't have it in me to be bored....

Both of my brothers are married.... Well, the youngest will be in a week and a half.... And for them that is great.... But now that the youngest is soon to be in wedded bliss, the questions are already be with one person" "Don't you want to be happy?".... Ok, so to answer the questions "Yes, I am the oldest. I didn't realize they handed out numbers, so I guess I lost my place in line. I'll get to it after the game is over. One person? Ooooooh hell naw!!!!" One person? Please, their are so many beautiful women out there. When I am with one person all I can think of is who the next one is going to be..... People get real boring after a while.... And in all reality, I was taught to share at a young age.... And it is a belief I still hold onto dearly.... 

Look, I love the ladies.... I am not sure if I have a particular type, or maybe I treat them like Baskin Robbis and just have to sample all 31 flavors. Should I be doing that while in a relationship? Sure, why not? Maybe I like Butter Pecan more than French Vanilla. Or what if the expiration date on the Cookies n Cream has passed? Aren't I allowed to purchase a new type? What, am I stuck with it instead? I think not....

Have I ever felt bad about cheating? Yes, when I got caught.... But for the most part it really didn't bother me... I  would be up front with the person I was cheating with and tell them "This is all it is.... If you can handle it, great.... If not, let me know so we can finish up here and I can go on ignoring you..." I know I have hurt quite a few people by cheating on them.... But maybe it was their fault.... Maybe they were just such a horrible person to be in a relationship with that I totally zoned out their feelings and did whatever I wanted.... Or maybe I am just a greedy person and can't be with just one person at a time....

Don't get me wrong, I have had long relationships before.... 3 as a matter of fact. Each for almost three years each. But yea, definitely ruined 2 of those by cheating.... One I would cheat on her all over again if I could.... SERIOUSLY... crazy bitch woman...... The first, no, I wouldn't.... But maybe my reasons for cheating now are because she took me back after doing it.... Maybe I feel like all I need to say is cry a few tears and say I am sorry over and over again until they take me back....  Or maybe I am just a greedy person and can't be with just one person at a time....

Cheat people! See what is out there.... Maybe you'll find the grass isn't greener on the other side.... Maybe you'll realize you are a one woman/man type of person.... Or maybe you'll realize that life is too short to give all your time to just one individual.... And that you are such a spectacular person that you need ot be shared with the world.... Well, at least that's how I feel about me.... LMAO....

Knowing  I have hurt people doing it has crossed my mind. And being older I always think of what could have been.... So I tend to ask myself "Was it worth it? An would I ever do it again?"....... Only one way to find out......

Talk to you soon.....

For the female perspective click here for La Latina Loquita


  1. Cheat? Really? Is that the answer? No, it's not. Take it from someone who knows. If you feel the need to cheat, then get out of the relationship and date around. Be a whore BUT at all costs be HONEST. If you want to test the waters and try out all the different flavors there are then stay single and just date around without committing. There's no reason why ANYONE should committ to a cheater/liar. A cheater doesn't deserve a commitment from an HONEST person. And an HONEST/TRUSTING person doesn't deserve a CHEATER in their life. Cheaters are Losers that deserve bad karma. If you are cheating it's probably true that you are NOT in love and if that's the case then you shouldn't lead the other person on. Cheating might be thrilling to you but is hurting individuals thrilling too? It that's okay, then you're NOT okay. That's my humble opinion.

  2. you know i aint even gonna disss... if i was the girl id be furious..maybe kill ur ass or find some sick way of getting back at you..laxatives in ur drinks..whatever it takes... but i have been on the other end too.. and the addiction of cheating.. my thing was the orgullo..i wanted every guy to want me and so cheating came a long and well idk.. definately not that person anymore but like i've said ive been on both ends.. good points :) still come off as a arrogant cabron though jejeje

  3. All I can respond with is, I can't wait til next week when La Latina Loquita is the bad guy!!!!!

  4. Interesting point of view :o Maybe its really
    a cultural issue that needs revamping, but
    until then, what happens to "families"? ;x
