Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Toe to Toe Tuesdays: Contact: When is it Enough?!?!

Welcome to our second "Toe to Toe Tuesdays, where you get the male perspective of a topic on my page and the female perspective on La Latina Loquita's blog page.... This week we discuss "Constant Contact: When is it Enough?"

"Why don't we speak more often?!?! I want to hear your voice! We need to keep in contact more! Why didn't you respond to my text? What do you mean what text?!?!?! The one I just sent you right before I called!"

Gentlemen, have you had any of these things told to you? You know, that your lack of constant communication is hindering your significant other from knowing at all times where you are, what you are doing, if you are thinking about them.... Hell they probably want to even know when you are dropping a deuce! In all seriousness, why the constant contact ladies?

Look, maybe in the beginning, like the first month or two, its ok to spend every free moment you have speaking to your new love interest or even dropping them a text. Lunch time phone conversations and talking on the phone while driving home. But when does it get ridiculous? When is enough enough? At what point do we get to live our lives without having a phone attached to our heads? When is the quota satisfied?

Please understand ladies, it's not that we don't want to speak to you. If we are interested in you, chances are we are thinking about you every waking moment. We think about your smile, your soft skin and the funny way you laugh. From your soft eyes to your pretty toes, we think about all of it..... And yes, we will surely let you know that we do..... BUT NOT ALL FREAKING DAY!!!! It's not that I have a problem using up my anytime minutes on you.... Its that I have work to do and a life to live. For the love of God, don't you have a job also? Or are you trying to get yourself fired because you finally found a man? Let's keep it simple, please.

We do want to speak to you. The sound of your voice makes us crazy as I am sure our voice does the same thing for you. That smile that comes across your face when you receive that text message letting you know we are thinking about you is the same smile we get when we are sending it..... But sometimes, we are busy.... Just the same as you. But yet we are the ones that get the hear you complain about how we never want to speak to you. Or that we don't speak as much as we used to.... Guess what, its not going to happen.

We sacrifice our time in the beginning so that you know you're on our mind. But we can't continue to do that. We have jobs, school or many other responsibilities that need to be taken care of. We try to take care of these things as fast as possible so we can have more time to speak to or even be with you later in the day. There is no way that we can devote our entire day to you every day. But that's not what you want. It's all or nothing.... Well you can't have it that way. And if we forget to call you or we fall asleep from a very rigorous day, we catch shit for that also. We could just not talk to you all together you know. Cut us some slack. Just like you we have a million and one things going on as well. We can't make every moment about you. So when you text us and it takes an hour for us to respond, its not because we don't want to, its cause we got shit going on as well. Or maybe we didn't see the text yet. Maybe my phone is in my car. Get off our backs about it!

Understanding is supposed to be a big part of a relationship.... too bad the big part is on our end. We have to understand everything you need and go through and in return we get shit for missing a phone call or a text or some out of the blue smoke signal you sent while visiting an Indian reservation. Just because you're the most important thing in our lives doesn't mean you're the only thing. We are not reporting to our Parole officers. There is no set schedule for us to contact you. When it happens enjoy it for everything that it is worth...

So, give us the benefit of the doubt. Let us talk to you all night when our day is done. Because the more you force us to keep in contact with you and to check in with you, the more we feel as if you don't' trust us.... And once the trust is gone, so are all the phone calls and texts....

Talk to you soon.....

For the female perspective, check here La Latina Loquita

1 comment:

  1. I hope that the ladies reading this realize that it's okay not to care about whether your man texts you back or calls you back. Move on to the next one........because it takes but a moment to say....i luv you hun...ttyl..a bit busy here. :) Just sayin......
