Monday, January 10, 2011

Originality Counts!

You know, for the most part, we as humans are influenced by things around us. No one person is truly unique and even the so called "outsiders"' are pretty much like every other "outsider" we have ever met. Maybe we have a friend that is pretty original in our eyes, but who doesn't? "'Oh Tom! is sooo funny! He tells his own jokes and dances to his own beat!" Yeah, we all have that friend. So, yes Tom is original to one person, but he is not truly a sole work of art. And hey, its cool..... I mean, we are all the same in one way or another. We enjoy laughter and have emotions that make us cry and smile. Its part of being a human.

But what about that guy.... you know.... the one who lacks his own personality.... They tend to suck the personality out of the nearest person to them. Their behavior is totally familiar because chances are, he is behaving like a person within your group. The person he thinks is the coolest or has the most influence. I mean, I have seen it  go as far as this person wearing his idols clothes. No, not buy the same shirt or sneakers, I mean literally wearing a guys velour track suit right after he wore it..... Really dude, your mixing your jock itch with his jock itch! Damn Thats desperation! "Yoooo, thats a hot jacket homie! But isn't it Carlos' jacket? Ooooh yea, I forgot. You suck at life! My bad!" Yup, this dude is like a chameleon. He is able to adapt to any situation by simply being himself..... or some one else.... or whoever the hell he thinks he is!

Come on bro, it is impossible for God to have created a human being without a personality. I mean, even mean angry people have a distinct aura around them! But not you, you try so hard to be some one else, your parents start adopting the other kid because hey, no one wants a replica of a Picasso.... the want the Picasso. And thats all you are! Is a replica. A forgery of a real person. When the person your sucking the life from feels a certain way, you begin to feel that way. You start telling jokes about his life.... Because nothing ever happens to you.... "Like this one time at Band camp...."  But dude! You don't even play an instrument... At times its absolutely funny to watch you dress like your mentor and then at times I just wonder if you just hate yourself so much that you will do anything to be some one else.....

Its funny to hear you laugh like the person, talk like them, walk like them..... I mean, do you even shit alike? I mean, come on, at least let your bowel movements be original... Then again, you probably order the same topping on your pizza, knowing damn well your allergic to mushrooms! But what do you care, your doing what your hero does! And in the end, thats all that matters. Its cool to have role models and idols.... As a kid.... But when once you hit like 20, 21s it's time to make yourself your own hero. Cause, sorry to tell you.... Your idol is laughing at you too.... behind your back cause he doesn't want to crush your spirit..... So, let's get it together.... Let's get your life on track.... And for once, be yourself.... Or are you not cool enough to imitate?

Talk to you soon....

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